Look here to find out, where I am in the world today, what I'm up to, and what's on my mind. Whatever is only relevant to Danes will be in Danish. Other stuff I'll post in English.

08 September, 2005


Why is it that in a world where everything can be found using Google and mistakes can be undone by a "Ctrl+Z" there seems to be no content real available that truly puts meaning into our lives?

I spend hours and hours on the web everyday, and what I am foremost in search of is CONTACT. The Internet is to me my foremost means of social interaction with my friends - and in the long run that is quite a challenge for any friendship. It is kind of scary and strange, given the fact that the web offers no real presence between people.

Since 1996 I have been moving around Europe about a dozen times, and though I am not hesitant about seeing myself as a bit of a cosmopolitan, I am paying a price for my constant quest of becoming as international as possible. The price is rootlessness. Sure I have family roots in Aarhus, Denmark where I was born, but for the past 10 years, I have not had a base of friends that I have been growing. Now for the many-ith time I am in a situation, where I have to build a social network from scratch and find a balance and structure in my everyday life. And it is quite challenge.

The foremost reoccurring thing in my life is the Internet. I work with is everyday as eMarketing Consultant with an esteemed international company, and the first thing I do, when I get back from work is logging on the web: to check my e-mails, to log onto Skype and MSN Messenger, because that is how I reach my friends. They are scattered all over Denmark, and all over the globe: Greece, the UK, Spain, Canada, Taiwan and so on…

Perhaps the question I posed at the beginning of this blog holds its own answer. Perhaps whatever brings true meaning to our lives cannot be found in search engines, and perhaps it is good that real life does not come with a “Ctrl+Z” option, so that we learn from our mistakes?

Anyway, I still have a lot to learn – and I have scared myself once or twice by thinking out loud: “I messed up. Ctrl+Z, Ctrl+Z…” searching for the buttons, but there was nothing there. I was not in front off my computer.